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Everyone Criticizing Emma Watson's Tattoo Is Missing The Point

Women in Hollywood are fed up — with discrimination, unequal pay, and unwanted sexual advances — and they're using their platforms at award shows to push the Time's Up and #MeToo movements forward. One such woman was activist Emma Watson, who attended last night's Vanity Fair Oscars party with a (likely) temporary tattoo of cursive script that read, "TIMES UP."

But rather than focus on the important message emblazoned across her forearm, Twitter's self-appointed grammar police zero-ed in on something they deemed much more important: the lack of an apostrophe.

To start, the obvious glossy sheen around the letters indicates that the tattoo is most likely a stencil appliqué that Watson washed off at the end of the night — so let's hold the outrage directed at her tattoo artist. And second, do you actually think a woman who started her own feminist book club while serving as an ambassador for the UN and advocating for human rights really doesn't understand proper punctuation? Would it matter this much if she didn't?

At the end of the day, what Watson elects to put on her body is her choice — grammar mistakes and all. And, who knows? Maybe she even purposefully left off the punctuation to make headlines, as one Twitter user hypothesized. (This is Hermione Granger we're talking about.) But regardless, we're never going to hear anyone's message if we're nitpicking the delivery to this extent. Standing in solidarity for women's rights at the biggest award show of the year? That's what's worth talking about. Period.

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